Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thoughts on the End of Level Literacy Test

My thoughts on this test before i took it were very mixed and nerve racking. I have to admit that at first i was very scared because i didnt wan't to be the one in my grade that was left behind in remidiation. I continued to become scared all the way until about 8:20 a.m. All is well after thats when things started making me feel like a million bucks.
8:20 had to be one of the greatest feelings i have had in a long time, the test just all started coming back to me. Everything Mrs. Gillmore was teaching us telling us what was going to be on there was, she was right. My mind just suddenly woke up and hit me, my memory was astonishing my brain became a sponge.
After answering every question, i thought i would continue to raise the bar and look over every answer again like it was the first time i have ever seen them. The question is always asked how did you think you did my answer will continue to be the same " i scored advanced".

1 comment:

LilyWrites said...

I'm glad your brain started to feel like a sponge Myles. Maybe you'll be in my English class next year because I KNOW I'm not being remediated! Wooooo.