Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Junior .5
Some of me loves high school and all my memories will last a lifetime. Also High School sports is something i will miss because it could be the last time i ever play and it will truly be missed. I will do everything and anything to make my remaining years better such as trying hard in school going 110% every time i hit the field because i will always remember this could be my last time. High School to some people is just something they can't stand and can't wait to end but to me will be sincerely missed. College is a big jump you half to think about everything you won't have. One your mom doing your laundry and cooking for you and going to the grocery story for you. Also being able to have people over on weekends to stay the night chill out catch a movie no time. Even though high school will be missed however there are some positives to college.
One thing i will love is freedom no more mom on my back telling me what to do every five seconds. Two staying up as long as i want and having as many people over as i want with unlimited parties. Three is i will get to find my career and see what i am interested in and what i will do for the rest of my life. Finally four i will hopefully find a girl that i would like to spend every second of the day with and the remaining years of my life.
This is my feelings and outlook on being .5 of a junior and what is in store for me for the rest of my high school memories and my college future who knows all i can do is raise the bar.
Main Characters of the Crucible
This first character is Abigail Williams. I would refer to her as a whore and a witch. She does anything she can to try to get John Proctor away from his wife she also has many witchcraft things in her. Which she leads everyone to different people saying they are the witches and one of them was Elizabeth Proctor. So overall she is just the main bully of the whole play.
The next character is John Proctor. He is a hard working farmer, and native of Salem who lives just outside town. He is married to Elizabeth Proctor. Before the play, he has an affair with Abigail Williams, which leads only to trouble on his part. He sent to court for witchcraft and claims to tell the truth and his wife is a witness and lies trying to save his name and then is sentenced to hang till death.
The last character i will share with you is Reverend John Hale. John Hale in my eyes is a great man and should be the head of everything to me. Hale is a well respected minister that is said to be an expert on witchcraft.Reverend Hale is called in to Salem to examine the witchcraft trials, and Parris's daughter Betty, who has fallen into a mysterious illness after being discovered dancing and talking to the spirits of the Devil. He originally believes that there are witches in Salem, but later finds that they are just going crazy with this and just messed up in the heads.
This story as you can see has many characters that are normal, crazy, and contain witchcraft you can find anything in the play of the Crucible.
The play begins with Reverend Parris finding the girls of Salem in the woods dancing naked while talking with the spirits of the Devil. After Rev. Parris' little girl Betty is laying in bed sick and won't wake along with the Putnam's daughter. In the play the girls are accused of witchcraft while trying to find the master of all of it and Abigail scared shouts out Tituba which is showing Abigail bullying Tituba for something that she didnt do. Tituba is taken by the people and whipped and tortured for being accused of the girls behavior in the woods. Abigail threatens the girls that if they tell anyone about her drinking chicken blood for Elizabeth Proctor she will kill them which is another case of bullying. John Proctor who is Elizabeth Proctor's husband had an affair with Abigail a while back and Abigail is obsessed with John Proctor. So here John Proctor would be called the Bully because he cheated on his wife for no reason.
Reverend Hale comes into play and comes to observe the girls to see what could of happened to Betty and he witnesses this town slowly turning upside down and into a place that no one would want to be at. This play is definitely one that will keep your mind spinning and not want to close the book till the very last word and final bully.
The Kite Runner Part 2
In the story Amir and Hassan roam the streets of peaceful Kabul. Amir's father Baba loves both the boys but criticizes Amir for not being manly enough. Amir through the whole story is intimidated by his father because he is afraid that Baba will blame him for his mother's death during his deliverance at birth. However Baba has a nice father attitude and figure in the story. Assef a older meaner and violent boy blames Amir for socializing with a Hazara. According to Assef inferior race should only live in Hazarajat. They get into it Hassan sticks up for Amir and the Assef claims revenge.
The last passage i will share is about the kite runner. Amir wins the local tournaments and fathers praise. During the tournament Hassan runs into Assef and his two henchmen Hassan refuses to give up Amir's kite, so Assef keeps his revenge, by beating and raping him. Amir got worried why it was taking Hassan so long so in search of him he hears Assef's voice and witnesses the rape and to scared to do anything he hides. Amir and Hassan don't speak for a while because of Amir betrayal, but reunite at the end.
This book has a great ending and a 10 rating overall great for all High School or Junior High School students.
The Kite Runner Part 1
The Kite Runner is a story of a boy named Amir from the district of Kabul.In the book he is haunted by the guilt of betraying his childhood friend Hassan who is his fathers servant. This book has a lot of crazy drama such as the fall of the monarchy in Afghanistan, the Soviet Invasion, and even the rise of the Taliban. In the Kite Runner many characters are present, but some stand over the rest.
Amir who is telling the story who lives in Kabul who seems like a good boy but later starts to follow the downfall of the monarchy. The next character is Hassan. Hassan is a childhood friend of Amir, who is first thought to be the son of Ali. However later he is revealed to be the illegitimate son of Baba and Sanaubar. Hassan however in the book dies. The last main character is Assef the teenage rapist that lives in the same neighborhood as Amir in Kabul. As a teenager, he rapes Hassan. As an adult he sexually assaults Hassan's son, Sohrab, and numerous other young children of both sexes.
In this story it is filled with many extreme events as you can tell and of these 3 main characters i have shown you there are many more that were not revealed. So if you want to find out tune in next time or pick up the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.
Monday, November 10, 2008

On of my all time favorite books that i am currently reading is Heat by Mike Lupica. I could just tell by looking at the cover that this book was made for me to read, and me who is not the biggest reader to have a book that actually makes me not want to stop reading is amazing.
The main thing i think i like most is the fact that its a teenage boy named Michael who loves to play baseball its his favorite sport just like me. Another thing is that its held in the Bronx of New York and by the actual Yankees Stadium. It has all kinds of everyday life things occur he eats at McDonald's and plays baseball on a little Scrap field for fun, but also plays for the best traveling team maybe in the nation. He is living in fear his whole life because his dad is back in Cuba and its just him and his brother stuck with no birth certificates. This really makes me pay attention because its so intense you never know what is going to happen. Michael and his team have made it to the Little League World Series and he is there ace pitcher, but when time comes around how will he prove his age?
This book is a definite 5 stars and is a great book for any gender and any age. It is filled with intense fear, playing the game of baseball, and hard work. Its a great moral story and a definite book that i wouldn't mind reading again.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
To the President....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A True Pioneer
His son who is one of my good friends couldn't believe this event had happened. I mean its not like you ever can imagine what it would be like to not have your dad in your life anymore but only in your spirits. Sam to me is a true pioneer because even though he lost one of the most important people in his life he kept moving forward by raising the bar. He knew his dad wouldn't want Sam to just die in sorrow and never let it past him.
He knew dis dad would want him to keep living his life to fullest just like he did so Sam could have a successful life just like his father. So that was exactly what Sam did he kept living a normal life not showing any sorrow even though he had much sadness built up he kept living like a true pioneer. He stayed in football, he kept going to school, and also keeping socially active. Sam lived through a HUGE tragic event that i could never imagine living through so this is why to me Sam Merritt is a true PIONEER.